Reporting Team

Our commitment towards research and innovation drives our focus towards continuous improvement and support. RIO establishes reporting as an overarching tool with the following goals:

1. Overall management of R&I related data

  • To continuously build a strong research portfolio, we cluster data from every step of research - from the moment of drafting and applying to a funding opportunity to research outputs.
  • Working together with the pre-award and project management teams, boosting institutional competitiveness.

2. Link to Ciência-UCP

  • Work closely with our database of science management, collaborating on building strong and reliable information towards a sustainable growth as a research University.
  • Ciência-UCP is CAtólica REsearch (CARE) public portal where you can find information about UCP’s research work, research teams, scientific projects and outputs.

3. Reporting to Rectory

  • Through mapping of the research being done at Católica, offer tools for constant analysis and outputs of what we do and who we are - from institutional applications to in-house reports.

4. Management of CARE activities and CARE.point

  • RIO promotes new communicative ways of managing UCP's research culture and community. CARE.point constitutes the home for UCP’s research support, news, and events, procedures, templates, as well as frequently searched documents and information regarding UCP.
  • Católica Research meets once a year to gather all researchers from the research units spread across the 4 campi.

5. Support Vice Rector for Research and innovation

  • RIO supports the performance of the Vice-Rector responsible for the field of research in the scientific management of the R&D Units and monitoring the R&D Data Quality System.
Research and Innovation Office Pre-Award Team Project Management Team Reporting Team Research at Católica Innovation Ethics Committees Ciência-UCP Portal Research Support Digital Ethics Lab (LED)


Raquel Ubach Trindade

Raquel Ubach Trindade
Coordinator of Reporting  for the Research and Innovation Office

Reporting Team:
Constança Tavares

Research and Innovation Office (RIO)
General topics, strategy and planning:


Research and Innovation Office Pre-Award Team Project Management Team Reporting Team Research at Católica Innovation Ethics Committees Ciência-UCP Portal Research Support Digital Ethics Lab (LED)


Raquel Ubach Trindade

Raquel Ubach Trindade
Coordinator of Reporting  for the Research and Innovation Office

Reporting Team:
Constança Tavares

Research and Innovation Office (RIO)
General topics, strategy and planning: