Support to the academic community
Social Support
Universidade Católica Portuguesa develops social solidarity practices aimed at promoting social justice and the development of a participatory spirit in all members of the academic community. The University wants to contribute to the integration of all those who are able and willing to be its students. To that end, it provides various forms of Social Support.
Mental health
The mental health and well-being of students on campus is an ever-present concern.
There are several initiatives conducted by services, faculties and students' associations and groups, such as the psychological consultation that is made available to all students, through a very experienced and dedicated team of Psychologists.
All together we want to identify the best way to look after each other!
- Lisboa - Headquarters:
- Porto: - Braga:
- Viseu:
PROTEUS - Promoting Success in University
Aware of the challenges students face in adapting to higher education, as well as the growing drop-out rate in the first year of their degree, the Faculty of Human Sciences created the PROTEUS Office - Promoting Success in University.
The PROTEUS Office aims to support the academic life of UCP students by implementing a set of mechanisms to promote their success, facilitating their transition, integration and adaptation to this level of education.
PROTEUS is based at UCP's headquarters in Lisbon and provides individualised, confidential and free support to students in various situations of adaptation to higher education.
To book an appointment, send an e-mail to
MENTORIZATE is the institutional mentoring programme of UCP's Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Braga. The programme is part of the "Católica In! Innovate to Include" project, and is based on mentoring new students.
It is a measure based on volunteering, where more experienced students take on the role of Mentors.
UCP4SUCCESS is a collaborative project, supported by the PRR and DGES, which aims to prevent school abandonment and promote the integration and academic success of Católica students through 6 initiatives: Analysis and identification of the risk of abandonment and academic (in)success; UCP4SUCCESS Portal; Mentoring, Tutoring, Culture and Scholarships.