Summer School of the European Federation of Catholic Universities ‘makes us feel like true Europeans and humanists’

From 1 to 5 July 2024, the European Federation of Catholic Universities (FUCE) once again brought together young people of various nationalities, ‘committed to making Europe more humane, more sustainable and more just’, for the 5th edition of the Summer School, says Peter Hanenberg, Vice-Rector of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and co-coordinator of the programme.

Hugo Martinho Chaves, a student at the Faculty of Human Sciences, and Sara Napoleão, a student at the Institute for Political Studies (IEP), were the two Católica students selected to represent the University at the FUCE Summer School and debate perspectives on Europe in the making at the Université Catholique de Lille. According to the UCP Vice-Rector, these young people ‘played a very important role in the dynamics of the group: they were interested, participative and constructive. It is very comforting to see the future of Europe entrusted to these young people!’

For Hugo, the FUCE Summer School was the first experience of its kind, and ‘it set high expectations’. Sara, on the other hand, had ‘already had the opportunity to take part in the IEP Summer School: Estoril Political Forum' at the IEP, but even so she did not find this European meeting any less impressive.

"This experience stood out for the fact that we spent a week in Lille with various activities concentrated in a very international context. Not only were the students from different parts of the world, but we were discussing European issues, in the middle of the French elections," adds Sara.

Of the sessions she attended, the political science student's favourite was the lecture by UCP Vice-Rector Peter Hanenberg, "for the various literary references composed in a journey through the thought and idea of a Europe where 'People have roots and wings'", she explains.

Hugo emphasises the testimonies he heard from Ukrainians and Lebanese about how much they value the European Union. "It was very moving and put a lot of things into perspective," he confesses. Of the cultural activities, the best memory was trying out the virtual reality glasses.

But the most striking aspects for both of them were the people, the enriching conversations and past experiences. "I believe I came home with new friendships," says the Communication Sciences student.

Summing up the five-day programme, Sara believes that "the way the FUCE summer school allows you to connect with others makes you feel like real Europeans and humanists". That's why the two students highly recommend it to everyone. "It's a week that feels like a leap in time, where personal and academic progress overflows and surpasses itself in constant learning and renewal. At least once in your life, it's a must," says the young woman.

Esta foi a 5.ª edição da Summer School da Federação Europeia de Universidades Católicas. Sob o tema “AI Remaking Humanism?”, o programa incluiu 5 cursos distintos com vista a promover o debate entre estudantes de vários pontos da Europa: “I.Contribution of History to European Consciousness”; “II. Literature, the Arts, Translation and European Identity”; “III. European Enlightenment and the Islamic Heritage”; “IV. European Social Humanism”, e “V. Creative Leadership & Civic Engagement in Action”.

This was the 5th edition of the European Federation of Catholic Universities Summer School. Under the theme ‘AI Remaking Humanism?’, the programme included 5 different courses aimed at promoting debate between students from different parts of Europe: "I. Contribution of History to European Consciousness"; "II. Literature, the Arts, Translation and European Identity"; "III. European Enlightenment and the Islamic Heritage"; "IV. European Social Humanism", and "V. Creative Leadership & Civic Engagement in Action"


Categorias: International

Wed, 17/07/2024

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