Seminar "Transforming the University through Service-Learning"

Wednesday, June 22, 2022 - 10:00 - Thursday, June 23, 2022 - 13:15

Auditório Carvalho Guerra | UCP | Centro Regional do Porto

Seminar "Transforming the University through Service-Learning"

On 22nd and 23rd of June an initiative dedicated to Service-Learning (SL) and how it can help train students to be agents of effective social change in the construction of a fairer and more caring society, shall take place at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto Regional Centre, under the theme "Transforming the University through Service-Learning".

The initiative is organised within the UNISERVITATE programme, which promotes SL in Catholic Higher Education and of which UCP is a member. It reinforces the CApS - Catholic University and Service-Learning: Innovation and Social Responsibility project, whose aim is to institutionalise and consolidate the SL methodology in specific curricular areas, as well as in transversal and extracurricular areas, within UCP and to create guidelines for other HEIs that want to follow suit.

The meeting will bring together, over two days, the partner universities of the Uniservitate programme -  Deusto (Bilbao)St Mary's (London)Sacro Cuore (Milan and Rome) -, UCP authorities, students, lecturers, community partners and experts, in a unique opportunity to strengthen ties, exchange experiences, reflect, debate and, above all, learn about the SL methodology.

In this sense, moments are scheduled for different target audiences: on one hand, partners of the CApS project and the internal UCP community and, on the other hand, Higher Education Institutions, teachers and researchers interested in deepening this methodology. This second moment will take place in partnership with ORSIES (Observatory of Social Responsibility and Institutions of Higher Education).

SL is a teaching methodology that combines academic learning with community service, so that students are formed, personally and professionally, by working with the real needs of the community. In this methodology the active participation of students and community members and reflection on the experience lived are valued.

Free Access, subject to prior registration. Register here.

More information: Joana Barreto |



Transforming the University through Service-Learning

Auditorium Carvalho Guerra

June 22nd - Conference for the Academic Community UCP

  • 2:30 p.m. - Opening, President of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Isabel Capeloa Gil
  • 2:40 p.m. - Opening Conference: 
    • SL key elements, María Rosa Tapia, Coordinator of the Uniservitate Programme
    • Institutionalization and spirituality in SL, Nieves Tapia Founder and Director of CLAYSS
  • 3:00 p.m. - Presentation of the CApS project, Luísa Mota Ribeiro, FEP UCP
    • Presentation of some SL experiences in UCP by teachers and students.
      • Moderation: Ana Oliveira, FCH UCP
  • 4:15 p.m. - Coffee-break
  • 4:30 p.m. - Barriers and facilitators in the implementation of SL projects, María Rosa Tapia, Coordinator of the Uniservitate program
  • 5:20 p.m. - Closing session

June 23rd - Conference in partnership with ORSIES for the general public

  • 10 a.m. - Opening, Vice-Rector of UCP, Isabel Vasconcelos and ORSIES, Gonçalo Gil, Director of Forum Estudante
  • 10:15 a.m. - Conference: Transforming the University through Service-Learning, Andres Peregalli, Uniservitate-CLAYSS/Universidad Católica Argentina (Moderation: Marian Aláez)
  • 10:45 a.m. - Presentation: The process of institutionalisation of SL at the University of Deusto through the Plan for the development of transversal competences. The specific case of the Legal Clinic, Almudena Eizaguirre and José Ramón Canedo, University of Deusto
  • 11:15 a.m. - Coffee-Break
  • 11:45 a.m. - Round Table: Good Practices of SL experiences through the 4 pillars
    • Candelaria Ferrara, Regional Hubs Coordinator Uniservitate - Learning
    • José Ramón Canedo, University of Deusto - Service
    • Andres Peregalli, Catholic University of Argentina - Participation
    • Marianne Rozario, St Mary's University - Reflection
      • Moderation: Maria José Correia
  • 1 p.m. - Learning - Key, María García Feijoo, University of Deusto 
  • 1:15 p.m. - Closing Session

Categorias: Católica Conferences