Exchange Programmes

Grupo de Alunos Internacionais

Currently, UCP holds bilateral exchange agreements with over 450 universities all around the world. The number of students from international partner institutions hosted by UCP has experienced an accelerated rate of growth in recent years. Students attending UCP have arrived from approximately 90 different countries.

You can access the Cooperation Agreements currently in force here.

Erasmus+ Programme

The exchange Erasmus Programme set up by the European Union was launched in 1987, and UCP has been participating since the first years, experiencing substantial growth in the mobility numbers each year.

Every student arriving under the auspices of an exchange Programme may count on an interactive learning environment and a great deal of support from the host faculty. A range of initiatives is designed for welcoming international students such as the “local buddy” to help the newly arrived integrate into academic life in Portugal, alongside other activities such as the induction week and visits to locations of tourism and cultural interest.

Under the ERASMUS+ Programme, EACEA – the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisuals and Culture attributed UCP with an ECHE-ERASMUS Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027, which enables the University to participate in the Erasmus+ activities. The UCP priorities relating to Erasmus mobility for the period that extends to 31 December 2027 are duly defined in the ERASMUS Declaration (EPS-Erasmus Policy Statement).

UCP participates in the Programme through partnerships with numerous other universities in the development of the following activities:

  • Student mobility for studies and internships (SMS and SMP)
  • Staff mobility for short term teaching missions (STA)
  • Teaching and non-teaching staff mobility for training (STT)

Each academic unit establishes its own application regulations and procedures. Please consult the appropriate faculty or contact the respective office.
