Cooperation Agreements

Aperto de Mão

Research and teaching at Universidade Católica Portuguesa are also developed through an extensive network of international partnerships with higher education institutions from all over the world. 

UCP has approximately 450 partnership agreements with dozens of universities around the world.

NOTE: The partnerships are constantly being updated, so the lists published here are only indicative.

International Profile UCP Global Double and Joint degrees Networks and Associations Cooperation Agreements Study at Católica International mobility for UCP students International Relations Coordination Contacts Transform4Europe SACRU

For further information, please contact the International Relations Service of the UCP Rectory:

Graça Coutinho
(International Relations Coordinator)


Tel.: (+351) 21 726 58 38

Catarina Mendes
(International Relations Assistant)



International Profile UCP Global Double and Joint degrees Networks and Associations Cooperation Agreements Study at Católica International mobility for UCP students International Relations Coordination Contacts Transform4Europe SACRU

For further information, please contact the International Relations Service of the UCP Rectory:

Graça Coutinho
(International Relations Coordinator)


Tel.: (+351) 21 726 58 38

Catarina Mendes
(International Relations Assistant)
