Diurna. – The new newspaper of the students of Católica in Porto

"I am one of those who is deeply touched by the ambitious idea of doing something new, without foundations". - shares Nuno Brochado de Agarez, chief editor of Diurna.

The student of the Double Degree in Law and Management tells that the inspiration for the creation of this project came after a conversation with teacher Ana Andrade: "Honestly, I don't think the teacher expected that she would really get down to work," he confesses.

After gathering some information, she presented the project to colleagues who immediately showed interest. With the support of Dr. Manuel Fontaine, Director of the School of Law, they advanced with the creation of the first articles related to the area of Law and Management.

Aware of the interdisciplinarity present in the campus, Nuno says that in the second edition will be launched content related to other areas such as Biotechnology, Nursing and Psychology.

Committed to launching two editions per semester, the group also foresees the exploration of other themes: "A newspaper like Diurna. is an unbelievably inexhaustible platform, measured only by the creativity of the team behind it".

Besides Nuno, mentor of the project, the newspaper counts with the participation of editor João Paulo Coutinho (law student), publisher Lúcia Catarina Ferreira (student of the Double Degree in Law and Management), publisher Daniel Fonseca (management student) and the head of design, Bernardo Sá Caldas (Arts student).

The first edition can be consulted here.

Categorias: Centro Regional do Porto

Mon, 07/12/2020