
The master's degree (2nd cycle) has a normal duration of three or four semesters and grants between 90 and 120 ECTS credits. This cycle of studies requires the attendance of curricular units, the preparation and public defense of an original thesis, the completion of an internship or a project, and the preparation and defense of the respective reports in the case of vocational or job oriented masters.

The programmes taught by UCP and the degrees granted (undergraduate, masters and doctoral degree) have the same value and produce the same effects as those of the state universities (Decree-Law no. 128/90). This system is based on three study cycles and is structured by the principles of the Bologna Process, which came into operation starting in 2006/07. All Study Programmes taught at Universidade Católica Portuguesa are accredited by "Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior" (Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education - A3ES) and duly registered on “Direção Geral do Ensino Superior” (Directorate General for Higher Education).

The Faculty of Dental Medicine (FMD) of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, created in 2019, develops activities around three pillars: Teaching, Scientific Research and Social Responsibility. 

In the field of Teaching, the Integrated Master's Degree in Dental Medicine, the Undergraduate Degree in Biomedical Sciences and the Master's Degree in Applied Biomedicine (Computer and Management branches) are taught. 

In the field of Scientific Research, the FMD's mission is research with and for the community, combining state-of-the-art laboratory and clinical methodologies with the latest digital technologies. 

Regarding Social Responsibility, through the University Dental Clinic, it provides medical-dental consultations and contributes to the improvement of the health of the most vulnerable populations.

Supported by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS), the FMD promotes biomedical, clinical and translational research.

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In 2023, the Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing was created as the successor unit to the ICS.

With extensive educational experience, we teach courses that set a benchmark in Portugal for the scientific, technical and human preparation of students, through an innovative programme for obtaining the professional title of Nurse and/or Specialist Nurse.

The School of Nursing (Lisbon) was founded following the transfer of the São Vicente de Paulo School of Nursing to UCP in 2006.